Wow, Happy Labor Day! I’ve been trying so many beers lately, I’ve gotten behind on writing about all the one’s I’ve found. To get back into the swing of things, we’ll talk about one that so many people have recommended to me. Not Your Father’s Root Beer by Small Town Brewery.
Let us start with the basic overview. First, the body looks just like a traditional root beer, from the dark caramel color, to the bubble structure and brief head. When the glass comes up to my face, I can smell the distinct aroma and blend of spices that most root beers share. Up to this point, I am so excited. I have visions of home-made Bailey’s or Kalua ice-cream for the grown-up version of a Root Beer float. One that I’ll have to have when I am not driving so I can over-indulge. Then I take that first sip.
Many of my friends know my habit of sharing anything I’m excited about. Frequently past the point of good taste. This beer is very much like my enthusiasm at times. Quite a bit of talk, somewhat past the point of good taste.
The first sip seems to live up the hype, causing my inner child to raise his head, look to the heavens and shout out in joy. Then the artificial flavor of added alcohol and flavors (read the label!) hits the back of my throat almost as bad as an aspartame back note of a badly sweetened diet cola.
Whether or not this impression is due to me not being a regular soda/cola drinker anymore, I’m not sure. However, I am definitely soothing my inner child with a marathon of some sort: probably animated and from Japan, requiring a game controller, or eating up my bandwidth so I can see ALL the episodes in full 1080p.
At least I think I may be able to recover it with enough ice cream.
Rating: 2.5/5 only due to the potential for those who don’t mind cola after-tastes.

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