Hey all! As my wife and I are finally getting our home computer system back up and running (don’t ask) our kids have been busy. They’ve watched our friends and family join us in tasting various craft beers, and as kids are want, have asked to try blogging about drinks. After explaining the age limitations to craft beer, they asked if there were any craft drinks that they were allowed to try.
Then there was root beer.
Our household generally sticks with healthy drinks, not much in the way of sodas, but we’ve run into a few breweries that make their own craft root beer, ginger beer and the like.
Today we will have the first kids review of Abita’s Root Beer. Yes, as an adult, I like it as well, and we will not talk about the sugar.
So, my three boys, ages 11, 9 and 5, all jumped for joy with drinking this soda. My wife and I walked them through the same process we use for trying a new craft brew.
Regarding the smell, the youngest could not grasp “nose,” it has a classic root beer smell. Noticeable black licorice comes through without being too strong, but with a sweetness that it does not seem to be biting. A nice dark brown, almost black body, with plenty of bubbles, but no real head, the kids loved the flavor. “It’s root beer, dad! Nothing too fancy!”
Right on, little buddies, right on.
When asked how it felt to drink, comments like “bubbly, but not too sweet” and “smooth and just barely stays after swallowing” were very common. How right they were. A nice clean finish, leaving a mildly sweet licorice back note, it summed up “root beer” very well.
Thanks, Abita!
Kids Rating: 5/5
Parent’s Rating: 5/5